Let me clarify a few points from the beginning: I do not sell Saladmaster; I am not endorsing it for anyone but me and my family I am merely relaying our experience. If you are interested in trying Saladmaster, I know folks who can show you how to get it. And yes, this means you attend a sales demonstration in which you get to eat the best tasting food you've ever tried for FREE--you do not have to buy anything. However, after the eating and discussion, you will want this cookware and especially this Saladmaster machine. And I want the Saladmaster machine BAD!
If you've read our farm website page "On Your Table", you know why we came to the Ozarks and that we are growing/raising our own food. We aren't at the point of self-sufficiency in that regard, but we're getting there. It is a process, it takes time and experimentation to find the best way (for us) to work this all out. What I didn't realize was that I was missing a critical piece of the freezer/pantry-to-usable nutrition puzzle.
I understand growing, raising and butchering humanely, cleanly, and with as little stress as possible. This, in my opinion, is good for the animal which passes on that good to me. What I didn't think about was how and in what I was cooking that "good". In walks a product brand I'd never heard of, although a few years ago I had attended a demonstration for a similar (but not the same!) product type. We have great friends who have a Saladmaster business; they called one day and asked to demo and cook a dinner for us. We enjoy supporting small business people like ourselves, so we said "yes'em, we'll take a look and enjoy having you visit the farm".
We had a great time with our friends, we had a lot of fun participating in the demonstration, we got to taste how good the food was when cooked in Saladmaster, and I didn't have to cook that afternoon (bonus!). What was the clincher for me? It was the pot test...your pots (teflon coated, cast iron, aluminum, "green" cookware...) against Saladmaster. Wow. My pots, especially the brand new ones I bought 2 years ago, were an Epic Fail against Saladmaster. Then I got scared, thinking there was no way we'd be able to get this cooler than cool cookware.
I was wrong--there, I typed it. It doesn't happen often, but that day I was wrong for a brief moment. Whew, glad it passed quickly.
We are now the proud owners of a set of Saladmaster cookware and I am constantly amazed at how GOOD our meals taste. I am in learning mode and there are times when I read a recipe and think there is NO WAY I can have dinner ready in 20 minutes tops. But I do and it all tastes fan-freakin'-tastic!
One thing is missing though from my nearly perfect kitchen...the Saladmaster machine! You can get a free Saladmaster machine when you have three couples (who own their own homes) attend a dinner. Well, we aren't hugely social, so we don't know very many married folks who own their own home. We know some couples who do, but they say they "can't afford it", even though they don't know how much any of this costs and after I have forbidden them to bring check books or credit cards.
I. Must. Have. A. Saladmaster machine!! So come on y'all, come for dinner. You don't have to buy anything, just savor the experience and have a good time with us. It's a win-win any way you look at it: you eat fabulous food and I get goodies!! ;-D
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